Day 9 Exam and Immunizations

Saturday, September 4, 2010

We came in this morning and went to bed at 1:30 am and had to get up at 6:30 am. We went downstairs and had breakfast at the hotel this morning. Grace came to the hotel at 9:00 am and we went down the street to get Olivia's Visa photo. We went into a very small office and the gentleman was waiting for us to have her picture made. He took the picture and Kevin paid the bill, then we headed down the street to the doctor's office. Olivia has to get a physical examination and shots today. When we came into the doctor's office there were a lot of people there. They had all of the adoptive parents go in the back waiting rooms for the children's exams. The Chinese people saw the doctors up front. There were probably 40 parents here with their children. We all had to get in line. I am glad that we came early because with forty families, the line moved slowly. Grace helped us with our paperwork.

I waited in line for us while Kevin sat in the waiting room with Olivia.  He started playing with her and she would mimic him.  He would sit in the chair with his legs crossed and she sat beside him and crossed hers.  He put his hand on his face and made a suprised face and she did the same thing.  Everything he did, she did.  It really tickled us to see her interact with us even though she doesn't understand our language.  She can still communicate with us.

In the first room, the doctor examined her eyes, ears and face. In the second room the ladies took her height and weight. In the third room we saw a doctor who did the exam. The doctor said that Olivia has to have 7 shots and TB skin test. At first, she was going to give all of the shots to her today. Grace talked to her for us and she changed her mind and let Olivia get 3 shots and TB skin test today. We have to come back to her office Monday for her TBskin test results, so she said that she could get the other four shots then. After her decision, she sent us to another room for the vaccinations. When we came into the room they made me sit down and hold her arms down and put her legs between my legs. It's not far that I had to be the bad guy. They should have had to do it. She started crying when they cleaned the area for the shots and didn't stop until they were all over and I can't blame her. After having three shots and TB test, I thought she did very well because all of this is new to her. We had to go sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes to make sure that she didn't have any reaction to the shots. I brought her snack bowl filled with Cheerios and gave it to her and in just a few minutes she was fine.

We went back to the hotel and had snacks for lunch. We stayed in the room the afternoon and Olivia played in the room. She is doing really good for having three shots and TB skin test.

Grace came by after lunch and showed Kevin around the island while Olivia took a nap. Kevin said that the island is beautiful.  It reminds you of the Old South in the Victorian Era. She showed him a Subway, so we had Subway sandwiches for supper. I had a chance to get caught up on the blog. We got ready for bed early since we didn't get much rest last night. Tomorrow Grace is picking us up and we are going to the park.

Victory Hotel

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