Tuesday, August 31, 2010
We got up and went downstairs for breakfast and Olivia didn't overeat today. I think that she is figuring out that she can have ALL the food that she wants. She ate some congee (rice), little bit of omelet, couple bites of hashbrown, and a small bowl of dry Cheerios.
We went across the street to the shopping plaza where there is a WalMart. Oh you should see the traffic. Kevin carried Olivia and we had to run across between the moving traffic going as fast as we could go. They don't have nice lights telling us when we can walk across the street. The shopping plaza has 4 floors - 1 floor sells food, 1 floor clothes, 1 floor restaurants and 1 floor movies.
When we went into WalMart there was a man standing at the door and he started talking to us in Chinese very loudly. You could tell that he was mad that Olivia was with us. After he said his little speech of telling us off, all of the sudden he spoke one word in English and pointed to Olivia and said CHINA. We just smiled and went on into the store. We wanted to tell him so badly that as of yesterday she is an American citizen and has a GREAT life and doesn't belong to China anymore, but we didn't.
We purchased Olivia an inexpensive stroller because later today we are going to the park and Thursday we are going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors. We also got safety pins to take care of the baggy pants situation. We took Olivia over to where the stuffed animals were and let her pick out one. We had sent her a care package with a stuffed animal, but when we got there they told us that she didn't like the stuffed animal that we sent and gave it to another child. She picked out a yellow cat.
We went back to the hotel and had PB crackers for lunch. Just as soon as Olivia got through eating she crawled up on the bed and took a nap. She is alot more content today. She has been playing with Kevin, giving her sippy cup to him and letting him pretend to drink from it and he says "AH!" and when she sees the straw pop up she just laughs and giggles. She likes playing peek a boo with both of us. I got her to say "HI" today. She was so happy and content that she gave me a KISS.
She likes to be tidy. She puts her shoes right beside of mine and Kevin's. If she sees us picking up and straightening up our clothes she helps us put them away. The funniest sight is when we eat breakfast. When we get finished she wipes her mouth and hands with the napkin and hands it to us to throw away.
We had to go to the bank around the corner and Olivia liked being outside walking with us holding our hands. Her hand is so small that she can only hold one of Kevin's fingers. She started singing a song in Chinese, so we don't have a clue what she was saying, but I do know that she was happy.
Lily meet us in the lobby at 3:00 pm to walk to WalMart again because Lily wanted us to get some snacks that Chinese children eat. We have several different things for her to eat. Lily also had us to buy Hawthorn because Olivia has had a bellyache. She says that hawthorn is very good for her stomach. We brought her snacks back to the hotel and let her eat a piece of the hawthorn. It looked like fruit roll up to me and tasted like dates. After her snack, we walked to the park. Olivia really liked her stroller. Lily talks to her in Chinese and tells us what she is saying. She told Lily she liked her pretty clothes and she liked her stroller and liked riding in it. Then Olivia told Lily that she wanted out of the stroller and wanted to walk. She walked down the street. When we got to the park there were people playing cards, sitting around talking and one area there was a lady singing and she had a microphone and speakers. It was very loud. Olivia didn't like it at all and decided to get back into the stroller. There was an elderly man there with 2 birds in cages and Lily wanted Olivia to see the birds, but when we got close to the man, he started yelling at us. Lily didn't tell us what he said, but she didn't have too. We knew that he didn't want us near him or his birds. Lily only replied to us that Olivia didn't like the birds. You can tell as we walk down the streets the people don't like it that Olivia is with us. Anyway, Olivia didn't like the park so we walked back to the hotel.
After our long walk, Olivia was very tired so we ate supper and got ready for bed. Tomorrow we will get to go visit the orphanage.
So, I am reading your comments and realizing that God picked out a perfect child for you two. I'm so happy for you.